The Filter of Hope water filter is a small solution to a big problem.
The global water crisis affects more than 2 billion people. It’s a big problem that many organizations have tried to tackle by developing large (and expensive) water systems.
Filter of Hope provides clean water to families in an entirely
different way—one home at a time.
We leverage the same technology used in kidney dialysis—hollow fiber membranes.
“Hollow fiber membranes” sound sort of complicated, but they’re actually quite simple—and remarkably effective.

Here's how they work:
Made to Filter
Each small filter is packed with tiny, hollow, perforated tubes. The perforations are just 0.1 micron in diameter.
Cleans the Water
Dirty, contaminated water enters the tubes, passes through the holes, and exits the filter as crystal clear, clean water!
Removes Bacteria
Harmful bacteria and microorganisms are simply too large to fit through the holes, so they remain inside the filter casing and are then removed by routine back-flushing.

Here's how they work:
Made to Filter
Each small water filter is packed with tiny, hollow, perforated tubes. The perforations are just 0.1 micron in diameter.
Cleans the Water
Dirty, contaminated water enters the tubes, passes through the holes, and exits the filter as crystal clear, clean water!
Removes Bacteria
Harmful bacteria and microorganisms are simply too large to fit through the holes, so they remain inside the filter casing and are then removed by routine back-flushing.
How can such a small water filter make such a big difference?
The Filter of Hope water filter is:

With simple cleaning, each filter lasts 10 years.

The filter uses gravity only (not electricity) and has no environmental impact.

The filter is manufactured to the highest quality standards and is virtually unbreakable.

Each filter can produce up to 250 gallons of clean water daily.

Just $50 provides a family with a free, life-saving filter.

Each family is given a filter to own, use, and maintain.

Everything needed to install the filter fits inside a quart-sized plastic bag.

The filter can be installed in about 15 minutes and clean water flows instantly.

During installation we capture each filter's unique barcode and GPS location.

Filter production can be increased to have more impact worldwide.
How effective is “effective”?
E. Coli is one of the smallest and most harmful bacteria known to exist. At 0.3 micron in diameter, it’s 3 times the size of the pores in our filters!
The Filter of Hope water filter is 100% effective in removing all harmful bacteria and microorganisms.