Help take clean water and the gospel to people who need it most.
Our focus on unreached people groups is opening doors and hearts.
Very often, those who need clean water most are those who have heard the gospel least.
Unreached People Groups (UPGs) are a major focus of Filter of Hope. Two billion people lack access to clean drinking water and a great percentage live in these UPG areas and countries. We can give them clean water and introduce them to Jesus Christ.
Filter of Hope is partnering with Christian ministries in UPG countries and the response is overwhelmingly positive. Pilot distributions of filters in these countries were tremendously successful in providing clean water and many people chose to follow Jesus. Below are some of the statistics from the first three years of UPG filter and gospel outreach:

“Thank God today 40 people believe and accepted Jesus as their Savior through our clean water filter project. Praise be to the Lord. What’s even more amazing is that these people accepted Jesus at a Buddhist temple in Phayao Province in northern Thailand.” — Filter of Hope Director, Thailand

countries receiving water filters

filters shipped to UPG countries

people who have heard the gospel

people who have received Christ

people who now have clean water

“People desperately need pure drinking water in Pakistan. We have distributed filters to different families and all I can say is WOW! The families received us so well with the filter and the Good News of the Gospel! So far our ministry has done local partnerships with five different churches. We cannot wait to see how many people we can provide with clean drinking water and the “Living Water” here in Pakistan.”
Filter of Hope Director, Pakistan
“We are pioneering many new churches in mountain villages that have faced water issues for a very long time. They need clean water. They also need the gospel. They are Buddhists who don’t believe in God but worship ghosts instead. As they see God’s love in action, it will be easier to proclaim the love story of Jesus Christ.”
Filter of Hope Director, Thailand
This outreach is completely donor-funded.
100% of your donation is used to provide filters for our in-country partners. The filters not only provide the gift of clean water, but open doors—and hearts—for our partners to share the greatest gift of all, a relationship with Jesus Christ.
Here's how you can help:
Adopt a Village

Each shipping box contains 42 filters. For $2100, you can give a village clean water for 10 years and give each family the opportunity to know Jesus.
Adopt a Country

Each country needs 5,000 filters/year. We are looking for 10 partners per country to donate $25,000 for 500 filters.