Ukrainians are receiving clean water because of you!
At first the answer was no.
It was the middle of March and the bombing in Ukraine was destroying the country’s infrastructure. Filter of Hope staff members Seth Swindle and Scott Santee began contacting a number of mission groups about possibly taking water filters into Ukraine, but no one took up Filter of Hope’s offer to help. Seth explains, “We checked with some partners that we knew in Ukraine, but none said they needed water.”
From No to Yes
But Seth says things changed by March 24. “Within just a few days clean water went from not being a need to yes, it’s a real need.”
When Scott Santee contacted Josiah Venture, a ministry working in Ukraine and surrounding countries, they were in full disaster relief mode. Every day, they were using a tour bus to take food supplies from outside Ukraine to a church in Lviv. Then each night they carried out Ukrainians fleeing to safety.
Within just a few days, clean water went from not being a need to yes, it’s a real need.
When Scott told Josiah Venture about Filter of Hope, they told him right away there was a huge need, even among the Ukrainian soldiers. “They immediately made plans to pivot and focus on distributing filters.”
In addition to Josiah Venture, Send Relief, a humanitarian arm of the Southern Baptist Church, also joined in the effort to deliver filters.
In all, 5,000 filters were shipped to Ukraine. These were paid for by donors who responded to Filter of Hope’s fundraising for Ukraine relief.
Going Where the Need Is
Since the second week of May, Josiah Venture has been delivering filters to the church in Lviv. From this location, they send the filters by vans or trucks throughout Ukraine to areas of greatest need.
At the end of June, Petr, a Josiah Venture staff member, sent an update to Filter of Hope. “So far, 966 filters have been distributed through 12 churches in 7 settlements—Druzhkovka, Kostiantynivka, Kramatorsk and surrounding villages.”
Petr then elaborated on the plight of people in Ukraine. “The situation with water is extremely difficult. In Druzhkivka and Kostiantynivka there is no water at all. People filter rainwater and that which is brought by cars. But they bring technical water (for industrial use), which is dangerous to drink.”
“Filters have become a huge salvation for them.”
The reaction of the people has been extreme gratitude. “Galina, the pastor’s wife, says many people cried when they received the filter. One woman said that she was even ready to kiss her hands because there was such an urgent need for clean water.”
Like Filter of Hope, these organizations also have a mission beyond meeting physical needs alone. Their network of churches is presenting the gospel to those who are receiving filters.
Galina, the pastor’s wife, says many people cried when they received the filter. One woman said that she was even ready to kiss her hands because there was such an urgent need for clean water.
Overwhelming Gratitude
Petr also sent two videos in which some filter recipients shared their deep appreciation for the filters. The following comment was made by the woman in the orange dress in the video below. “Dear friends, thank you very much for your gift to us. We are going through difficult times right now. We do get running water at times, but the water is dirty. This filter is lifesaving for us, for our bodies. We thank you. May Lord bless you and may He be with all of us. Glory to Him for everything.”
This filter is lifesaving for us, for our bodies. We thank you. May Lord bless you and may He be with all of us. Glory to Him for everything.
Thank you so much for giving to this effort and blessing thousands of families and soldiers with clean water. None of this would have happened if you hadn’t responded so generously.
If you were there, someone might be kissing your hands.
Continue to pray for these partners as they navigate distributing the remaining filters to families in the hardest hit regions. Pray for the safety and well-being of the people of Ukraine and for a quick end to this terrible war.