Imagine the feeling of meeting a family’s #1 physical need—clean, safe drinking water.
Imagine the curiosity they feel about why you did. Imagine the dignity you’ve given them because they no longer drink contaminated water.
As you explain why, they are eager to hear about how to have a personal relationship with Jesus.
That’s what makes Filter of Hope’s work so significant. You’re giving clean water. But more importantly, you’re giving a family an opportunity to experience Christ personally.
Here's how it works:

"My life has changed completely. I know that I am forgiven."

Why it's so special:
Filter of Hope wants to give clean water to families—but even more importantly, we want people to know how much God loves them, saves them, and wants to be in close relationship with them. By sharing with one family at a time, we are able to clearly explain the gospel, address any concerns they may have, and personally invite them to start following Jesus.
A man who had lost a kidney was spending 60% of his meager income on bottled water because a doctor warned him any infection could result in death. He wept when he saw his filter work for the first time and he also opened his heart to Jesus.
An extended Pakistani family who physically fought over their problems with dirty water were astounded with the filters. The one Christian in the family had been praying for years for her family to know Jesus. Most received Christ and they have not fought since receiving the filters.
A Cuban shopkeeper was delighted to learn how the filter would give her clean, safe drinking water. But when she heard the gospel, she kept whispering in astonishment, “a thousand thanks” over and over as she understood for the first time each aspect of the gospel.
Thanks to the generous support of people like you, 400,000 people have heard the gospel—through a personal presentation in their homes in just the last six years. And at least 35,000 have started a personal relationship with Jesus. What’s more, we know many start following Jesus after we leave their home.